Thursday, June 1, 2017

BIB 314: Three Worlds Presentation (online version) expanded intructions

BIB 314: Three Worlds Presentation (online version)
by Faculty Camp/Roberts


Prepare a 4-5 minute presentation addressing the three worlds of a single text of your choosing from Matthew’s gospel.

Presentations will be submitted  as a video   Probably easiest to create a video on Youtube or  VidGrid  View the video on Moodle for instructions on how to create and upload a video using Youtube.  Other options or help: see instructions on your introduction video or call FPU Center for Online Learning,

(If the three worlds still confuse you, review videos, Week 1 and 2.

It could be that most of your presentation is questions without answers.  That’s OK.

Don’t treat this as a practical “devotional,” it’s a Three Worlds analysis of the text.  You will want to make a practical app in your contemporary world analysis, though.

An abbreviated example of the kinds of information, questions, etc. that could be addressed in each world, in relation to a specific text (Mt 6:1-4) is provided below. Don’t use this example as your presentation! The information below is something accessible by using a study Bible, or a Bible commentary, or a commentary on the book of Matthew.  

Here's an ABBREVIATED example Note: another ,example (more  detailed) is found on the bottom of Moodle page under “Extra resources”:
click where it says Week 3: Three World Notes on Prodigal Son in Luke 15.

Abbreviated Example: Three Worlds Presentation Mt 6:1-4

1.       Literary World
In Mt 6:1-4 Jesus talks about giving alms and the right way to go about it. The literary world of this passage would include discussion of what Jesus is saying and how this text unit is put together in relationship to the rest of the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7). What’s his point? Don’t give to be seen giving. Where does this text fit in the bigger picture of the Sermon? Jesus makes a general principle statement in Mt 6:1 about practicing piety, and the alms example is the first of several he gives in chapter 6. This point in the Sermon seems to focus on showing our devotion to God or love of God. In Mt 5 there is also a bigger assertion (verses 17-20) and then a string of examples, but those focus more on showing love to others. These are all important literary world observations related to this text.

2.       Historical World
In terms of the historical world, as a reader trying to make sense of this passage I benefit from knowing what alms and synagogues are, what 1st century Jewish expectations and practices were regarding alms-giving, whether people literally blew a trumpet or whether this is an image Jesus is using to make a point. Does what Jesus say here contrast with common practices or with misguided practices in Judaism in his day? You will need to do actual research to explore elements of the historical world of your text.

3.       Contemporary World
Knowing these things from the literary and historical worlds helps me make a better interpretation of this passage for the present day (contemporary world). What does this text have to teach us today?  (Anyone who has read this by Wed night 11:59, text Dave and tell him you have.  extra cred opp) .Jesus seems to be calling for humility and even anonymity as we give to help others. It’s not supposed to be about how others will think of us as we do this. Jesus seems to understand this act as one way we show we love God (even though other people benefit). And Jesus clearly expects his followers to be giving (he says when not ‘if’ in verse 2).

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