Here are the "13 Commandments"--that is, the most common mechanical errors in signature papers over the years
1)contractions/"you" (not allowed)
2)clauses and fragments that are not full sentences
3)commas where they don't belong (or no commas where they do)
4) CAPS: a)words like king, president, pastor, apostle are NOT capitalized unless used as a title. "Barrack Obama is the President" is not correct. "President Obama says.." is.
b)often students capitalize words because they are important: faith, prayer,altar.. Incorrect
c)"Bible" is capitalized; "biblical" is not Some formats allow Bible to not be capitalized; if you choose that, be consistent throughout paper
5)Careful with plurals, possessives, apostrophes etc. Google if you need help.
This sign is all over the country, but dead wrong!
6)For historical figures whose name ends in 's, you write "Jesus' disciples," not "Jesus's." Note you have a lot of these who may appear in your paper: Jesus' , Moses, et al
7)Traditions and translations vary as to whether or not "He" "Him" "His" are capitalized when referring to God or Jesus. Either way you choose, be consistent thought the paper.
8)"Their" vs "they're" type errors
9)It's vs its. Read this for help. Think in your mind about our textbook title:
"How to Read the Bible For All Its Worth"
or is it
"How to Read the Bible For All It's Worth"
Answer and then look. Most students guess incorrectly, This is even explained in the preface.
10)singular and plural disagreement across sentences, Google for help
11)Departments vary in this. For biblical studies, spell out numbers under 100.
12)HUGE: "who" for people; "that" for things. "A person that likes cookies" is wrong
13)miselanyaous speling errrors
This sign in a church is incorrect:
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