Thursday, March 7, 2019

week 3 439

We watched the Dance Party film, which is prep assignment for week 4 (4.1).
If you watched with us. you do NOT have to post on 4.1, though I recommend you post the

 red arrow question found there.
We  read Philemon, and watched and discussed this:


Matthew 18: this helps with Forum 3.4:

  • -

Of Historical World note:

    • What did you learn about a millstone ? ( notes at 

    this (click)

    NOTE A RECURRENCE OF the phrase "little one."


    this (click)

    video, "Weight of the World," and be prepared to discuss what these two items are

    • Review: Why did we say the missing was temporarily greater than the rest of us?

    Page 19 of Syllabus,Matthew 18 Outline
    (by Greg Camp/Laura Roberts):

    Question #1: Who is Greatest?

    2-17 Responses (each are counter proposals):

    2-10 Response #1: Children
    2-4 Counter Proposal: Accept children
    5-9 Threat: If cause scandal
    10 Show of force: Angels protect

    12-14 Response #2: Sheep
    (Who is temporarily greater?)
    12-14 Counter Proposal: Search for the 1 of 100 who is lost

    15-17 Response #3Brother who sins (counter proposal)
    15a Hypothetical situation: If sin
    15-17 Answer: Attempt to get brother to be reconciled
    17b If fail: Put him out and start over

    18-20 Statement: What you bind or loose

    21-22 Question #2How far do we go in forgiveness?

    23-35 Response #1Parable of the forgiving king/unforgiving servant
    ----------------Read verses 15-17 and then ask yourself:
    "What did it mean in their historical world to treat  people like

    "tax collectors and sinners?"
    Two answers

    1)Don't allow them in your bounded set.

    2)How did Jesus treat  tax collectors and sinners? In a centered set way. Tony Jones writes: 

    but because anyone, including Trucker Frank, can speak freely in this  church, my seminary-trained eyes were opened to find a truth in the Bible that had previously eluded me.”...That truth emerged in a discussion of Matthew 18's "treat the unrepentant brother like a tax collector or sinner.":
    "And how did Jesus treat tax collectors and pagans?" Frank asked aloud, pausing, "as of for a punchline he'd been waiting all his life to deliver,"....., "He welcomed them!""

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