Monday, June 24, 2024

week 1 Bib 300-ONO3 314-ON24

HERE is video of class 1. If you missed class, requirement is post a short summary and answer any questions you hear by Fri pm, Underneath the yellow section is detail abut what we covered,

No matter what you  saw/see on Canvas/syllabus,  and as I said in class, I have downsized your required reading and homework for week1 to:
1)Listen to all of the Gospel on Matthew below in one sitting without pausing, or read it in the NRSV translation (if reading, go quickly, and don't take over three hours, the video is 2:19).  Just take a few notes on your impresssions, themes, interesting things about Jesus. Notes are for you, and don't need to be turned it, but you will need them the rest of course

-2)Your introduction video on Canvas. Questions below

Both by Sun pm at the latest, extra credit of video is up by Wed pm

All other readings and quizzes etc are optional

 1 t



n your video, introduce yourself to the teacher; answering the  questions below. Feel free to include a family member/pet or show us your favorite study spot. 


This will be important for knowing each other a bit, and for later assignments.


1)  Your name, as you prefer to called, be sure to pronounce it

2)  Have you taken the another FPU Bible  class? (What stands out about it?)

3) Tell me anything you'd like about your family

4) Tell me anything you'd like about your work life

5) Do you have a religious affiliation? If so, what is it?

6.  What is your experience with the Bible?

4)On a scale of 1-10, how stressed are you about taking a Bible class?

 an online class? 

 a class with this particular teacher? 


5)What do you imagine yourself doing with your degree ten years from now?

6)Name of a favorite musical group or singer (Don't answer with a genre or "I like a lot." Mention a specific name of group or singer.  We will need this answer for a fun assignment later).  


Week 1 Readings and Assignments

Reading : Remember only the Matthew one in red  is required, the rest are optional, and need not be done, but you may want to

Complete before Lesson Modules 

Hauer and Young, "Three Worlds of the Bible" Download "Three Worlds of the Bible"(23 pages)

The Bible Project What are the Gospels?Links to an external site.  (5 pages)

Gospel of Matthew, chapters 1-28 (in New Oxford Annotated Bible, aka NOAB)

Anchor Bible Dictionary “Genealogy/Genealogies Download Genealogy/Genealogies” article (1 page) 


Week 1 Lesson Module

Reading : Remember these lessons and assignments are  optional,  except for the intro video in red.

Introduction to the Bible (26:52 min, 20 quiz questions) 

Introduction to the Three Worlds (32:14 min, 5 quiz questions) 

Introduction to the Gospel of Matthew (33:34 min, 8 quiz questions) 


Assignments Due

1.1 Introduce Yourself video forum (3-5 min) (initial post; response posts extra credit) 

1.2 Week 1 Worksheet (10 short questions) 

1.3 Who Is Jesus in Matthew 1 Forum (initial post and 2 response posts) 



Watch this first  short video below first; then you'll know how to get quick extra credit for the other three


These FPU Bible classes are famous (and infamous), and have  been for years. For decades, everyone has had to take a version of this class. There is some fear involved.

At first, it can be hard to get a handle on what these classes are about. If you are not well-versed (pun intended!) in the Bible and its background, you may worry you are not equipped.

It sure scared me to register for it!

Here's a pic of me in my main campus dorm room  c. 1983, writing my signature paper for this class on something called a typewriter.

I think it helps to know that all of us are already experts in the key discipline needed in this class: texting!

I know what you're likely thinking: "Huh?  Texting??"

FPU professor (and 'textpert') Greg Camp introduced the brilliant idea of having students text the instructor during class as a way of demonstrating that we all are experienced in sending and receiving messages...and reading texts, and discerning context and subtext etc.  We all intuitively use the skills of what we will call "The Three Worlds" in making sense of messages we receive/read. 

This will prepare us for the reading of our textbooks, especially the "text" of the Bible.

What is  a 'TEXT'?
TEXT:  the word does not  anymore mean just written words, or text message.

a TEXT is

 "any message,

                    in any medium,

                                 designed to communicate anything"

... so obviously the Bible counts as a "TEXT message."

We will be reading the Bible..and even if it is a new book to you, and even if you are not a  believer, you are already a good interpreter of texts.  

You do it every day.

Watch this video, which should help.  Be sure to follow the instructions you will hear at the beginning.:

When you interpret a text, it can be crucial to discern emotion, volume, atmosphere, tone, context and "CONTEXTURE" (atmosphere, tone).

Watch this video as an example of 'contexture':

=Send your instructor a random text message (if you haven't already) as he instructed on the video. His number is in the video . It can be anything!   TEXT it, do not post it here;  

  • Make it fun if you like.
  • Maybe the very next text message you receive would be interesting?! 
  • The instructor will post or read some of these later.
  • Do not skip this assignment. (:

These texts will become our curriculum as we interpret them. Remember the "Three Worlds" concept your instructor talked about in the video (review just the 2 min to 3 minute mark).  The worlds help us interpret a text in context and "contexture," and are the key approach we take in FPU Bible classes to interpret texts, especially the Bible.


We watched this shocker: see Zoom for why:

We watched this video.  Be thinking about what we said about it in Zoom,

It was amazing to put you in breakout rooms in  investigate me,.  What did you learn from Google, Facebook , Linkedin etc.  Secrets are revealed in the Zoom video, What did i say about why we did this?\


It was amazing to put you in breakout rooms in  investigate me,.  What did you learn from Google, Facebook , Linkedin etc.  Secrets are revealed in the Zoom video, What did i say about why we did this?\


You will be reading  this week (see assigned reading at top of week 1 )about the Three Worlds method of reading. It's what we have been doing all this class session, but when you read about it, it should make more sense than it would've without me saying this..

Hauer and Young, "Three Worlds of the Bible"

  If it seems difficult, we will talk about  in  next class.)

 Final Paper “Who Does Matthew Say Jesus Is?” 

Write a 1200-1500 word essay discussing one (1) important aspect of Jesus’s identity in the gospel of Matthew. What does the author emphasize in their portrayal of Jesus? (150 points?) 

The essay should: 

  • Have a thesis that makes a clear claim. For example, “Matthew’s portrayal of Jesus emphasizes his identity as compassionate healer.”  

  • Use the Three Worlds approach to discuss at least two (2) specific passages from different parts of Matthew that demonstrate your claim. 

  • Use and cite (using APA formatLinks to an external site.) at least two (2) required readings/viewings from the class other than passages from Matthew’s gospel or other books of the Bible. Cite sources in parenthetical format in the body of the essay and provide a Works Cited list at the end of the paper. 

  • Draw on your previously completed class assignments as relevant. For example, if your Three Worlds Presentation and research are on a passage that supports your thesis, use that passage and work as one of your required two passages from Matthew.  

  • Address feedback received on your submitted 3.4 Draft Thesis and Draft Outline for this paper and 5.4 Rough Draft Final Paper “Who Does Matthew Say Jesus is?” 

  • Include personal reflection on your learning about Jesus in Matthew.