It has been moving,, revelational and (even) fun to, have students plot out (on the whiteboard) their life timeline (ups and downs). Here's what a few cohorts have looked like.
Imagine your timeline, its ups and
downs, and ask how you have been revisited throughout your
life with different remixes of the same core temptations at different points
Notes from FPU faculty Camp/Roberts:
There are 3 temptations which parallel the groups with whom Jesus interacts in MatthewFamished - provide food – crowdsUpon temple - protection - leadersseize world - authority - disciplesWhat is it that each group expects, and how does Jesus meet that expectation, both here and later? It is important that these are real temptations. What would be the result of each if Jesus failed? Tie in the expectation from Isaiah 53. What kind of Christ was expected? Will Jesus prove worthy (a true Son)? The temptations represent and initial test, much like an academic pre-test. Jesus will be tested during his ministry on these same issues by the three groups.
Famished - provide food – crowds
Upon temple - protection - leaders
seize world - authority - disciples
The temptation to satisfy physical needs is a very real and necessary temptation. The temptation account does not denigrate this need, but raises the question of what it means to be fully human. Rulers in the ancient world would often provide bread for people to keep them under control, while not treating them as fully human in other ways. Jesus’ response to Satan is that there is more to being human than meeting physical needs. It also includes being able to make choices about life, where one might need to defer gratification or make choices to the detriment of one’s physical well-being (i.e. selling possessions, death on a cross). Jesus does do miracle which do address real physical needs (food, healing). But he also challenges people in the crowds to go beyond equating physical, material well-being with being fully human.
The second temptation to leap from the temple has 2 components, The first is to draw attention to himself in the center of Jewish life, thereby gaining the approval of the temple leaders. The second aspect involves having the authority to call upon angels to protect him. The temptationis to use authority as a means to demonstrate one’s power and privilege. In Jesus’ interactions with the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, temple authorities, he is most frequently questioned about his authority to represent God, and is repeatedly asked to provide a sign demonstrating that authority. Jesus steadfastly refuses to do so. Jesus will not ‘force’ God to provide a sign of Jesus authority beyond the faithfulness Jesus himself demonstrates. The accusations at Jesus’ trial hinge on this question of authority. The third temptation is to receive power without effort. It would entail bowing down to Satan. There is no equal exchange of goods, with Jesus receiving kingdoms in exchange for bowing to Satan. Rather, in the ancient world bowing down indicates a permanent subservient relationship. Satan is offering the kingdoms of the earth if Jesus will submit to Satan’s will and way of doing things. This temptation is linked to the disciples, who frequently are seeking greatness, seats of authority and power, exalted places in Jesus’ kingdom. They are confronted by Jesus about the true cost of gaining those positions. -Camp/Roberts
mighty deeds
Note: Matthew doesn't call them "miracles" or "signs"
en Mighty Deeds
In all JCC classes, we call these "mighty deeds" In this article below, you'll see David Bauer calls them "mighty acts"/ What's interesting is Matthew calls them this, and not "miracles" (as some other writers do, or "signs" as (John's gospel does.) This is in one sense a "drop-down box," but also is on purpose. Any thoughts on why?
And what do the deeds witness to? How is Jesus able to do these deeds? What are they "signs" of/to?
From FPU faculty Camp/Robets:
It is time to consider one aspect of Jesus’ public ministry: the wonders & mighty deeds. This section in chapters 8-9 of Matthew comes immediately after the Sermon on the Mount in chapters 5-7. Traditionally, these acts have been called “miracles,” which potentially predisposes the reader toward a particular understanding that is not necessarily represented in the gospel. Mark calls them “deeds of power.” Luke calls them “deeds of power” and “paradoxes.” John calls them “signs.” Matthew calls them “wonders” and “mighty deeds.” Each gospel differs in the number of stories they tell. Matthew, Mark and Luke all have around 20, John only 7. All have some which are unique to their gospel and some which appear in others. As we learned this morning, each gospel is different. Even in talking about the same event, the writers will emphasize different things. By Matthew’s characteristic description of these actions as “wonders” or “mighty deeds,” one question to keep in mind is cui bono? or for whose benefit? On one level, Jesus is serving and ministering to people. On another level, throughout the gospel of Matthew, Jesus is constantly locked in a power struggle. With whom is the conflict in these chapters?
1. What kind of mighty deed?
a. Healing. Most are healings of physical disability (in all gospels around half of miracles are healings!) The ailments are permanent and limiting; these are not healings of a common cold.
b. Exorcisms.
c. Resuscitations. (Explain not a resurrection, keep same body and will die again.)
d. Other, misc., ‘nature’
2. What is the context for the mighty deed?
A quick survey of settings should show there is no predictable place, person, or situation.
3. How does Jesus perform the mighty deeds? (method)
Jesus’ method is difficult to categorize - sometimes touches, sometimes not, sometimes because asked, sometimes he seeks out, sometimes because of faith, (sometimes faith seems to result, but usually not in Matthew or other Synoptics). Jesus’ method is not formulaic. In thinking of healings and exorcisms today we often seem concerned over having the right formula, saying the right words. But there is no one formula or method that Jesus uses. At points it is hard to categorize or generalize about the mighty deeds, but Jesus has this enigmatic quality in general, so no real surprise.
4. What is the response? (limit to recorded response in text)
a. Varied
General reactions of the crowd are amazement, wonder, fear and glorifying God. Response of persons healed is to tell everyone they can find, even when Jesus has told them not to do so. After Jesus turns the water to wine John records “and his disciples believed in him.” What does this mean? Some of the mighty deeds involve demons, and upon their immediate recognition of Jesus as the Holy One of God Jesus silences them. The Pharisees, either when they see or hear about the mighty deeds, are incensed and counsel against him.
b. Raise questions about who Jesus is (his identity)
What they reveal about his identity is that he has power from God—that is how he explains how he can do what he is doing, and that is why he is such a problem for the religious leaders (doing things only God or the power of God can do). Be careful, mighty deeds do NOT reveal Jesus’ divinity. Other people in the Bible do miracles and they are not divine (Moses, Elijah). And many would say mighty deeds and wonders happen today, but the person who God uses to make them happen is not thought divine, but is simply thought to have God’s power, being used by God.
5. Why does Jesus perform this mighty deed? (Limit to purpose recorded in text, if any)
Jesus’ motivation is often left unassigned. We draw our own conclusions. Jesus responds to people who come to him and ask for healing, either verbally or by virtue of their being where he is. People are always bringing the sick and possessed to Jesus. It is NOT to draw crowds. Mighty deeds do bring the attention of the public, but this cannot be the primary reason, if it is a reason at all, because Jesus does some in private, silences some recipients, refuses to do them on command. The feeding of the 5000 happens because the crowd has gathered while listening to his teaching, not because he was doing mighty deeds. In general, Jesus does not seem overly concerned with PR. The relationship between faith and mighty deeds is complicated. That Jesus did these solely to generate faith is not an adequate answer when we look at these stories in Matthew—more often faith is a precondition rather than a result (in Synoptics).
6. What does Matthew emphasize in the stories of Jesus’ “mighty deeds”?
It is best to try to make sense of purpose in the broader context of each Gospel. Jesus’ mighty deeds are closely connected to the kingdom of heaven and to Jesus’ teaching/proclamation in Matthew. We mostly see Jesus teaching/preaching and doing mighty deeds together. They are presented as a manifestation of the kingdom. The kingdom is present in Jesus’ words and deeds. Faith is usually a precondition (vs. result) for miracles in the Synoptics. The connection between faith and struggle appears frequently in these stories. Faith is demonstrated when one who is seeking a mighty deed encounters a barrier and overcomes it.
Earlier in this course, the case was made that the miracles are connected with the first temptation that addresses whether the definition of wholeness in God’s kingdom is limited to physical well-being. The miracle narratives demonstrate clearly that Jesus responds to physical needs and that these are important. But it is also important to note that these accounts move beyond being limited to physical well-being to a fuller-orbed sense of wholeness (restored hand, can work; leper can be around people). Also, these reflect the limits of the Roman peace, the realities of malnutrition, difficult working settings which may lead to injury, no’ social services’ etc.
Why does Matthew tell us miracle stories about Jesus?
a. Jesus’ miracles are closely connected to Jesus’ teaching/proclamation in Matthew. We see Jesus teaching/preaching and doing miracles together mostly (summary statements that Jesus taught, preached, healed in 4.23-25, 9.35-38).
b. Faith is usually a precondition (vs. result) for miracles in Mt.
c. Mt’s concern to show Jesus asfulfilling scripture is evident in the way he handles the miracle stories. Jesus’ healing ministry is underscored in Mt’s gospel (4.23; 9.35; 10.1, 7-8; 12.15-16; 14.14; 15.30; 10.2; 21.14-15), as healing is one of the most striking aspects of the prophcied messiah’s ministry. Mt identifies specific prophecies as fulfilled via miracle in his gospel: Mt 1:22-23 explains the virgin conception fulfills Is 7.14. Mt 8.17 explains Jesus’ exorcisms and healings fulfill Is 53.4. Jesus’ miracles in Mt 11.5 correspond to the miracles described in Is 29.18-19, 35.4-5, 61.1.
d. Miracles show God’s power and God’s kingdom
They show that Jesus is God’s anointed, that he has been anointed with God’s power/Spirit.
Jesus’miracles are one mode of God's assertion of the power of the kingdom. The kingdom in fullness still future, but has become reality in J's words and works.
What is striking about Jesus as a miracle worker is its de-emphasis. It is debatable that we ever see Jesus perform a mighty deed to demonstrate his power for his own sake. Miracles are performed for the restoration of the person and to the glory of God, rather than as proof of anything. Jesus miracles are in fact generally recognized as glorifying God not Jesus, just as Jesus proclaims the Kingdom of God not of himself. The deeds are signs of the in-breaking of the kingdom, it is true, but they are not the only or "best" sign. Striking is the restraint of the gospel writers in recording the miracles. There is little made of them (they simply describe them and go on), and so one must conclude that while these deeds were one aspect of Jesus' ministry they were not its essence or climax. The miracles are done as a sign of the kingdom of God breaking in, the reality of God's kingly rule present.
Jesus' miracles show God's power and God's kingdom. How, in relationship to the 4 kinds of miracles we've identified in the gospels?
i. resurrections show God's power over life and death.
ii. healings and exorcisms show God's power as well, and beyond that are unquestionably tied to the coming of the kingdom. Isaiah talks about coming age of healing when kingdom comes in fullness all will have full healing. Jesus heals some but not all--genuine manifestation of kingdom, of power of God, but not fullness. J's mighty works aimed at restoration and release: leper was unclean, unable to mingle. body is healed but person also restored to fellowship with people. (J's table fellowship restores those who are outcast) woman with flow of blood is ritually unclean, cut off from all that is important in Judaism. Demoniac is unable to relate, uncontainable. Exorcism restores him to a state of mind which allows him to relate to people, relate to the community. The kinds of cures in J's healing miracles are restorative. They heal conditions which were debilitating, limiting, marginalizing. People are often made whole in a way that allows them back into the community, so that they are no longer unclean or no longer have to beg but may work and contribute. The healings and exorcisms reveal the kingdom as an whole, inclusive community.
iii. The last category, of "misc" miracles is where the teaching connection is the most clear I think. There is symbolic meaning in Jesus' miracles too--they are signs which reveal something about who Jesus is (the one who brings the kingdom) and about the shape of the kingdom itself. These misc miracles have an "object lesson" quality I think. Feeding of 5000, J is bread of life. There is this symbolic thing in the miracles too, the place where the teaching of the kingdom is most visibly a part of what the miracles are accomplishing--Jesus teaching in word and deed, sometimes in these mighty miraculous works.
-by Camp/Roberts
kenosis (Greek word for self-emptying):
In thinking about living selflessly like Jesus did...
fill in this blank:
The Scripture suggests that Jesus was able to do miracles, and have
supernatural knowledge, because he was ___________.
Here are some answers students have given: